Often production is the focal point of a company’s operations. This is fair, because if a company were a person, production would be the heart, providing what is needed constantly to keep it alive. However, sales and marketing should be heavily considered also, as these roles serve as a company’s eyes, ears, and voice.  Those in sales play the important role of being a company’s ambassador, developing relationships, identifying needs and proposing solutions, along with generally representing the culture.

This month, the spotlight is on Erica Raymond, Inside Sales Representative at Sierra w/o Wires. Erica has been with the company for just under a year, and in that time has become an invaluable part of the team.

Erica studied at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), where she attained her Bachelor of Science in Marketing. During her time there, she became a member of one of the largest co-ed professional business fraternities, Phi Gamma Nu. She served as the chapter’s Historian, helping with everything from recruiting, to event planning and photography. She took part in several outreach programs, including Hoops for Haiti.

While at IUP, Erica was also a member of the Student Marketing Association. Erica ventured to New York City with the group, and gained valuable insight into event planning and management.
Erica has been in sales for 6 years, much of which has been in a position of leadership. Working at Sierra, Erica states that she has faced new and exciting challenges in the field. She actively seeks opportunities to learn about the diverse range of industries that the company interfaces with, through communications, research, and attending networking events.

At work or in her spare time, Erica enjoys meeting people of different backgrounds and hearing their story. She says that her favorite event to date was a networking event centered around women in IT, stating:

“There’s nothing more inspirational than to see women striving in a field where they are a minority. Women should be empowered to succeed in the STEM fields, and it’s great to see that become more and more prevalent.”

At first meeting, it’s notable how warm and genuinely nice Erica is. If you’re seeking a solution for managed services, telephony, development, hosting and more, without the pressure of a hard sale, Erica is the person to talk to.

Sierra w/o Wires, Inc. is an IT Managed Service and Support provider, specializing in remote monitoring and remote management of computing systems, cloud/virtual systems hosting, VoIP/SIP PBX trunks and solutions, physical server hosting, software development and hardware and software reselling. For more, check out www.SierraExperts.com.