1. Mario and Luigi: Who doesn’t like a little Mario Cart? Grab your best friend or significant other go out as the dynamic duo.
2. Social Media: Because who doesn’t have a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Wear the logo or even create a cardboard cutout of your page. Your costume will be sure to get some “Likes” that night.
3. Micro Chip: Are you that simple guy who normally wears the t shirt that says “This is my costume”? We have an alternate solution for you. Buy a plain t shirt and a marker- write the word ‘micro’ on it. Then simply carry around a bag of potato chips. Cheesy or genius?
4. Flash Dance: Fan of the popular 1983 film, but also have a nerdy side? Solution: take a tutu and attach flash drives to it. Simple and creative, what more does one need?
5. Cloud: Let’s face it, if you work in the IT industry, everything is now switching to the cloud, so why not be one. There are a few ways to pull, this one off. Wear all white and a white boa, make a paper cut out and wear it around your neck, or even just draw one on your shirt!
So go out and nerd it up. Halloween is the one day of the year when it's okay to go all-out on a geeky/techy costume!