This month we put the spotlight on a member of our sales team, Andy Boggess. Andy has been working at Sierra for a little over 2 months and is our business Development Manager. He attended Gannon University and earned a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Marketing.

Andy’s interests inside of work consist of working closely with industries like manufacturing and technology. His hobbies consist of golf, ice hockey, playing with his pit-bull boxer Marley and training his 3 year old son to be a future champion.

Outside of work, Andy works with a local based non-profit organization called Pitcairn Camp B. Pitcairn has been around since 1948 and takes 150+ kids to the Laurel Mountains each summer. They take kids ages 7 to 16 to experience the fun of camping, developing teamwork skills, and keeping physically active.

Everyone has a dream job when they are a little kid, Andy’s wasn’t quite in the technology industry. He wanted to be a chef. When we asked Andy why he wanted to be that he responded: “I wanted to be a chef. As a young child, I was quite chubby and liked to eat. What better job to have as a chubby kid?” We feel you Andy, food is awesome and getting to be around it every day would be even better!

Think technology isn’t found in the food industry? Think again! According to Forbes “Food and beverage industry executives see technology as the greatest driver of future growth”. Here at Sierra, we couldn’t agree more.

With social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, marketing is becoming a very cheap way to reach a lot of people. How many times a day do we see friends on social media posting pictures of their plates? If you didn’t tweet it, you didn’t eat it! Mobile and online ordering is also becoming a huge success factor for the fast food industry. No longer do we have to make a phone call to get a pizza delivered. Just pull up an app, put in your order and location and you have your food. Digital signage is seen everywhere, but have you ever noticed how often fast food restaurants and beverage companies take advantage of this display technique. It’s everywhere! Take a look at times square, we bet you can stand there for 10 seconds and see at least 3.

Sierra w/o Wires and our sister company Sierra Media Services, have the ability and skills to help your food business grow with the rapid changes in technology. At Sierra, we offer managed services, website and custom application development. Your website might work on a desktop, but is it device agnostic and work on a smart phone or tablet? We can make it happen, all while monitor and manage it at the same time! Also, out sister company Sierra Media Services can provide you with all of your digital signage needs.

Think Sierra can work for your food business? Contact us today at 412.722.0707 or visit our websites at

Do you know what industries the Sierra companies serve? We can guarantee there are about 25 you never would image that are taking place in businesses all around you. Have you ever stayed at a hotel and connected to their Wi-Fi, or get an awesome new hairstyle? We were probably behind the scenes. Ever known someone under a biometric house arrest or have seen police lights in your review view mirror (smile and slow down)... Yes, we will almost guarantee we were there too! Medicaid billing solutions… Have you ever known someone who has had a bone scan at the hospital, ever had eye exam or know of anyone that has had brain surgery? You guessed it, Sierra was there. Ever gone to school, or needed a lawyer …need we say more? … Instead of replacing industrial oil, hey we are behind the scenes filtering and reusing it! Ever wondered how tractor trailers are always so coordinated in destination management, or have you ever seen a cool robot cruising down a hall or carrying a pallet? Ever do something as daily as completing an electronic bank deposit or tried to figure out what happens to your old tires…football fields anyone? Have you visited a Halloween spook house or if you are from PA, you know where you buy wine…right? And ooohh the pretty flowers, it’s so great to see millions in one location! My back hurts – fixed with our help! Honey – did you remember to get the propane tank filled? Encourage your local blood drives – save lives! Ever buy a house? Like a good neighbor… Young Man keep your feet on the ground... and on top of all that Sierra has the most bandwidth in Pittsburgh going through our data center!

Think you have not worked with Sierra? We will bet you a free month of server management that you see us in your everyday life behind the scenes.

Sierra w/o Wires, Inc. is an IT Managed Service and Support provider, specializing in remote monitoring and remote management of computing systems, cloud/virtual systems hosting, VoIP/SIP PBX trunks and solutions, physical server hosting, software development and hardware and software reselling.